Reading can enhance your life. Studies show that the most successful people are the ones who read. We can learn a lot by picking up a magazine, a book, or a newspaper. I think it's great to be able to talk to others about what you read, too. Reading promotes conversation, intelligence, and knowledge. So, what are you waiting for?

I think everyone has a story to tell, and we should. For many years, I got away from writing fiction, but I have had a great time writing my first novel as an adult. Changing real-life situations into fiction helps heal the heart.

What can I say about Life? Mine has been tough at times, but I'm grateful that God has given me mercy, grace, and love. I love my life and the family I've been blessed with.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tuesdays With Morrie

I have been wanting to read this book for a long time.  And when I saw it at the library the other day, I quickly grabbed it off the shelf and placed it in my already large stack of books to read.

This is another example of a book that encourages us to live life to its fullest extent.  Morrie was dying of ALS, and he could have just given up to the disease, but he didn't.  He was a teacher by trade, and he continued teaching up until the last day of his life.  He may not have been in a traditional classroom, but that didn't matter.

It also showed the importance of younger people taking an interest in older people.  They have a lot to teach, a lot of experiences that need to be shared and a lifetime of knowledge and wisdom that we will never know about if we don't take the time to get to know them.

This story is a true story, and it's very touching and real.  I think it's a great book, and I'm looking forward to reading more of Mitch Albom's books.

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