Reading can enhance your life. Studies show that the most successful people are the ones who read. We can learn a lot by picking up a magazine, a book, or a newspaper. I think it's great to be able to talk to others about what you read, too. Reading promotes conversation, intelligence, and knowledge. So, what are you waiting for?

I think everyone has a story to tell, and we should. For many years, I got away from writing fiction, but I have had a great time writing my first novel as an adult. Changing real-life situations into fiction helps heal the heart.

What can I say about Life? Mine has been tough at times, but I'm grateful that God has given me mercy, grace, and love. I love my life and the family I've been blessed with.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

God Loves My Kids - Take Two

It’s been really easy this week to forget my post from last time…

God loves my kids more than I do.

Without embarrassing my kids on here, which is not my intent, I can’t really say exactly what transpired this week. What I will say is this: My heart didn’t handle it well.

I have come to this conclusion on more than one occasion, though.


The word “hard doesn’t even describe it sometimes.

I want my kids to love God and make wise choices. That does not mean they will. And I have to say that it’s very disappointing when they don’t.

Jim is more “even” when it comes to what happens. I told him he doesn’t know what it’s like to be a Mom. I feel responsible for them, even though they are getting older. And I think I feel like a bit of a failure as a parent when they make unwise decisions.

I realize that is not the truth because, although I have made many parenting blunders, my kids KNOW that they know that I love them. And that is very important.

My head knows the truth, but sometimes my heart feels things. It feels the sting of rejection (of my goals for them). The heart isn’t always logical; at least I know mine isn’t.

I am sure my parents went through such heartbreak knowing/thinking about what my abusive first husband did to me. But they had to sit back and wait for me to make a wise decision to get out.

I am grateful I have someone to lean on during these times.

I made a very wise decision today for this Momma, and I had a massage. My back has been killing me while carrying the weight of the burdens that should be thrown off and given to God. While I was lying in the massage bed, I started praying immediately. But it wasn’t long until I was doing my deep breathing exercises because it hurt so badly. By the time the therapist was finished, I could hardly walk in a straight line. It’s amazing how much better I feel.

I went to the store, and then I ordered new glasses.

I had a lot of time alone today, and it made me evaluate where I am in my life. I am not taking very good care of this person who is supposed to be taking care of everyone else.

So I had a massage, bought some perfume, and ordered new glasses. All this was for me.

I don’t feel selfish at all.

Last night, my favorite acronym, H.A.L.T., came to mind. Don’t make any decisions when you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. I have been all of those. However, at this moment, I am none of those.

So, I’m going to bed at a decent time tonight, and I’m not going to pick up my burdens.

“…weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5b)

“Wait for the Lord. Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

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