The problem is they get dusty.
We had a schedule typed for chores for the summer for the family. Even though this was on the list for weekends, I don't think it ever was dusted at all this summer.

And I am ashamed to admit that I'm not quite sure how long it's been since this bookcase was dusted at all, so I did it today. I enlisted help from Caleb, and he had to step ten feet away with every pile of books we took out. He took them out, and I dusted. Or moved the dust around. I'm not sure exactly what happened.
When we were finished, I stood back and looked at this project I had completed. And do you know what?
From a distance, like from across the room, you can't even tell I did anything at all.
Kudos to me (and Caleb) anyway!

And to think... this isn't our only bookcase. :-)
Jesse and Isaac helped with the CDs and DVDs in the narrow tower bookcases, all the while sneezing, complaining, moaning, and making gross sounds from their throats. I finally said, "Hey, I have allergies, too, and that's why I'm trying to get rid of this dust!" Jesse, the one with the broken arm, said, "Oh..."
Mom trump card used. Score!
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