Reading can enhance your life. Studies show that the most successful people are the ones who read. We can learn a lot by picking up a magazine, a book, or a newspaper. I think it's great to be able to talk to others about what you read, too. Reading promotes conversation, intelligence, and knowledge. So, what are you waiting for?

I think everyone has a story to tell, and we should. For many years, I got away from writing fiction, but I have had a great time writing my first novel as an adult. Changing real-life situations into fiction helps heal the heart.

What can I say about Life? Mine has been tough at times, but I'm grateful that God has given me mercy, grace, and love. I love my life and the family I've been blessed with.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mother's Day - A Little Late

I went to the library last week, and I couldn't find much I was interesting in reading.  I finally found two books that I left with that day.  I started reading both them, but I have read more of one.  It is by T.D. Jakes and is called Mama Made the Difference.  

Like many other women, lots of them, I'm guessing, I deal with the perpetual struggle of needing more income and not knowing what to do.  Even though my kids are in school, I like being here at home in case they need me.  I have worked on and off during the years, but I have carried guilt with both staying home and working.  Maybe it's because I don't think I'm good at dividing my time evenly.  Maybe it's because I know life is sooooo short, and my kids are growing up.  They won't be living with me forever, and I feel that I need to be there as much as I can while they are.

He says on page 3, "You see, I've witnessed a growing apathy toward motherhood.  With all of our many advances in technology and corporate culture, women are now expected to excel in the boardroom as well as the kitchen.  The woman who doesn't wish to work outside her home is often looked down upon as being old-fashioned or incapable of the immense juggling act that her sisters enact around her."  And a little further down, he states, "Women should not have to apologize for being mothers." 

Thank you, Bishop Jakes!

I love being a mother.  It's the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my life.  I may not be perfect, but God doesn't chose perfect women to be mothers.  He chooses us because we are the best fit for the children He gives us.  He believes that we can do it!

We have had our share of problems, well, maybe I should call them "opportunities," with our children lately.  I have started to wonder whether God knew what He was doing when He gave them to me.  I don't have the answers sometimes.  Sometimes, I cry because I'm so frustrated that I just don't know what to do. Sometimes, I hear a voice in my ear that tells me I am a failure.  Most of the time, I choose not to believe it, but there are sometimes when I am not feeling well, emotionally or physically, that I start to lean towards believing it.  I hate that!

But I know this!  Mothers are important! 

I will write more as I get through this book.  So far, I think it's great and encouraging.

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